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Orbital Parameters

Semi-major axis (km)

Affects the size of the orbit

must be > 0

Eccentricity (-)

Affects the form of the orbit

must be between 0 and 1

Inclination (deg)

Affects the orientation of the orbit

Argument of periapsis (deg)

Affects the orientation of the orbit

Simulation Parameters

Duration (days)

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This page allows you to plot the trajectory of an object flying on a specific orbit around the earth, as seen in an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed frame (ECEF).

The orbital parameters
Semi-major axis Half the distance between the lowest and the highest points of the orbit.
Affects the size of the orbit, and the speed at which the object is travelling around the earth.
Eccentricity Measures the "oblateness" of the orbit. By 0, the orbit is circular. By 1 and above, the orbit is an escape trajectory. This page only computes eccentricities between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
Inclination Angle between the orbit plane and the equator.
Affects the orientation of the orbit.
Argument of periapsis Angle defining the orientation of the lowest point of the orbit.
Affects the orientation of the orbit.
The simulation parameters
Duration Lapse of time within which the positions of the object are computed and drawn.
A low value will display a short curve. A high value will display a long and intricate curve.
Number of steps Number of positions which will be computed and drawn.
A low value will display a light and imprecise curve. A high value will display a darker and more precise curve, but will need more time to compute.
Step-time Time elapsed between each position computed.
A high value will display a light and imprecise curve. A low value will display a darker and more precise curve, but will need more time to compute.
An alternative to the number of steps.


Last update: 20200104
Copyright Thibaut Voirand